CompTIA A+ 2.7 Networking – Internet Connection Types

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1 / 14

What does WiMAX stand for?

2 / 14

What does DOCSIS stand for?

3 / 14

What is a common internet connection type in the home referred to as?

4 / 14

What is the typical use of PRI in terms of communication?

5 / 14

What is the term for connecting a laptop to a mobile phone to provide internet connectivity?

6 / 14

What type of communication sends information over many different frequencies on the same wire?

7 / 14

Why is satellite connectivity described as relatively expensive?

8 / 14

How do mobile devices communicate with the internet

9 / 14

What is the maximum speed that can be achieved on cable modem connections?

10 / 14

What makes ADSL (asymmetric digital subscriber line) connections very easy to set up?

11 / 14

What is the standard used on cable networks to send data across to cable modems?

12 / 14

What is the purpose of setting up multiple antennas in a geographical area for cellular networks?

13 / 14

Which type of internet connectivity enables high-speed networking, increased bandwidth, and capability for multiservice delivery?

14 / 14

What is technically referred to as asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL)?

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