CompTIA A+ 3.7 Core 1 – Laser Printer Maintenance

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A+ OBJECTIVE 3.7 HARDWARE – laser printer Maintenance

1 / 13

What should you do before working inside a laser printer?

2 / 13

What is the purpose of the toner cartridge in a laser printer?

3 / 13

What is commonly included in a laser printer maintenance kit?

4 / 13

Why does the toner cartridge come wrapped in a package that blocks sunlight?

5 / 13

How can you determine when a maintenance task may be required for a laser printer?

6 / 13

What should you do if you get toner on your skin while working with a laser printer?

7 / 13

What process is required when replacing the toner cartridge in a laser printer?

8 / 13

What is recommended for cleaning the outside of a laser printer?

9 / 13

Which type of vacuum cleaner should be used to remove toner from a laser printer?

10 / 13

What happens when the messages on the laser printer indicate low toner?

11 / 13

What might indicate that a laser printer needs to be calibrated?

12 / 13

What is the best practice when replacing a toner cartridge in a laser printer?

13 / 13

What should you use to clean rubber rollers inside of a laser printer?

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