CompTIA A+ 4.1 Core 1 – Cloud Computing Characteristics

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1 / 18

Which type of cloud service has a flat fee every month for accessing and transferring data, regardless of the amount of data transferred?

2 / 18

What is used to provide flexibility in creating additional capacity or removing any excess capacity without impacting end users?

3 / 18

What type of deployment has a low entry cost and enables users to decide how much of the platform to use based on their budget?

4 / 18

What term is used to describe the redundancy built into a cloud-based platform to ensure continuous high availability?

5 / 18

Where does Desktop as a Service (DaaS) allow users to access their Windows desktop?

6 / 18

What characteristic of an application instance in a cloud-based environment allows seamless capacity changes without impacting end users?

7 / 18

What is the term for paying a fixed cost every month for the ability to upload or download files in a cloud service?

8 / 18

What method is used to ensure data synchronization between different data centers in the cloud?

9 / 18

Which cloud service charges for uploading, downloading, and storing files based on usage?

10 / 18

What is a characteristic of an external cloud deployment mentioned in the text?

11 / 18

What type of cloud service charges a fixed cost every month for uploading or downloading files?

12 / 18

What term is used to describe the ability to create more instances as the load increases and decrease instances as the load decreases in a cloud-based application?

13 / 18

What method is used to synchronize data between different data centers in the cloud?

14 / 18

What term is used to describe redundancy built into a cloud-based platform to ensure high availability?

15 / 18

What does Desktop as a Service (DaaS) allow users to do?

16 / 18

What is a characteristic of an internal cloud deployment

17 / 18

What is one way to deploy a cloud instance mentioned in the text?

18 / 18

Where are resources for an external cloud typically stored?

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