CompTIA A+ Core 2 Objective 1.11 – Operating Systems – Linux Commands

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Linux Commands

1 / 22

To change the ownership of a file named “report.txt” to a user called “john,” which command should be used?

2 / 22

To copy a file named “original.txt” to a new file called “copy.txt” within the same directory, which command is correct?

3 / 22

Which command moves or renames “file1.txt” to “newfile.txt”?

4 / 22

To display the amount of disk space used and available on the filesystem, which command should be utilized?

5 / 22

To view the manual page for the grep command, which command should be used?

6 / 22

To change the permissions of “example.txt” to allow the owner to read, write, and execute, the group to read and execute, and others to only read, which command should be used?

7 / 22

To view a static snapshot of the current processes, which command is most appropriate?

8 / 22

To add executable permissions for the user who owns the file “,” which command should be executed?

9 / 22

Which command displays the current directory that the user is working in?

10 / 22

To remove a file named “temporary.txt” from the system, which command should be used?

11 / 22

Which command is used to display the contents of a file named “readme.txt”?

12 / 22

Which command changes the current working directory to a folder named “Documents”?

13 / 22

To install a package called “htop” on Red Hat-based systems, which command should be used?

14 / 22

Which command updates the list of available packages and their versions, then installs a new package called “nginx” on Debian-based systems?

15 / 22

Which Linux command is used to list all files and directories within the current directory?

16 / 22

Which command is used to search for the string “error” within a file called “log.txt”?

17 / 22

To run a command with superuser privileges without logging in as the superuser, which command should be prefixed to the command needing elevated privileges?

18 / 22

Which dig command syntax is used to query the MX (Mail Exchange) records for the domain

19 / 22

Which command displays the amount of disk space used and available on mounted filesystems, providing information in a human-readable format?

20 / 22

Which command provides a dynamic, real-time view of running system processes?

21 / 22

Which command opens a file named “notes.txt” for editing within the terminal?

22 / 22

To display the current system’s IP addresses and network interfaces, which command should be used?

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