CompTIA Core 2 Objective 4.5 – Operational Procedures – Enviromental Impacts and Controls

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Environmental Impacts and Controls

1 / 8

After replacing the toner cartridges in several office printers, you need to dispose of the used cartridges. What is the best practice for this task?

2 / 8

You are setting up a new office and need to place equipment in the most suitable locations. What factor is important to consider for proper placement?

3 / 8

You are tasked with setting up workstations in an area with frequent electrical storms. Which device should be used to protect the computers from potential damage?

4 / 8

You are tasked with disposing of old lithium-ion batteries from several company laptops. According to the MSDS and proper disposal procedures, what should you do?

5 / 8

In a data center, you need to ensure that servers continue running during a power outage. What is the best solution for this scenario?

6 / 8

You are installing new workstations in an area prone to power surges. What device should you use to protect the computers from power surges?

7 / 8

You are setting up a server room and need to ensure optimal temperature and humidity levels. What is the recommended temperature range for a server room?

8 / 8

During a routine check, you notice that the office computers are accumulating a lot of dust. What is the best practice for cleaning the dust from these computers?

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