How to use the Net Use Command in Windows Terminal

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When working in the Windows terminal, the Net use command is a powerful tool for managing network connections and resources. Whether you’re a system administrator or an everyday user, understanding how to use the Net use command can be incredibly beneficial. In this post, we’ll delve into the ins and outs of the Net use command, covering its syntax, parameters, and practical applications. By the end, you’ll feel confident in leveraging this command to streamline your network operations and troubleshoot connectivity issues effectively. So, let’s jump in and explore the Net use command in the Windows terminal.

Network using net use

Understanding the Net Use Command

The Net Use command is a powerful tool in Windows terminal that allows users to connect, disconnect, and manage shared resources such as network drives and printers. It offers a range of functionalities that can streamline file-sharing and printing tasks while providing greater control and flexibility.

What is the Net Use Command?

The Net Use command is a command-line tool that enables users to connect to or disconnect from a shared resource, such as a network drive or a printer, using the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path. It allows for mapping network drives to a local drive letter, making it easier to access and manage shared files and folders within a network environment.

Basic Syntax for Net Use Command

Understanding the basic syntax is the first step in mastering the Net Use command. Here’s a simplified view:

net use [devicename | *] [\\computername\sharename[\volume]] [password | *] [/user:[domainname\]username] [/persistent:{yes | no}] [/delete]

Each part of this syntax serves a specific function:

  • [devicename]: The drive letter (e.g., D:, E:) or printer port (e.g., LPT1:) you want to assign.
  • [\computername\sharename]: The network path to the shared resource.
  • [password]: The password needed to access the resource.
  • /user: Allows you to specify a different username if required.
  • /persistent: Determines whether the connection should be persistent (yes) or temporary (no).
  • /delete: Removes a network connection.


net use [DriveLetter:] \\ComputerName\ShareName


  • [DriveLetter:] refers to the local drive letter that will be mapped to the shared resource.
  • \ComputerName\ShareName represents the UNC path of the shared resource to be accessed.

Command Switches and Their Functions

The Net Use command comes with several switches, each serving a unique purpose. Knowing how to use them effectively can streamline your network management tasks.

device name

  • Function: Specifies the drive letter (e.g., D:, E:) or printer port (e.g., LPT1:) you want to map.
  • Examplenet use Z: \\server\sharedfolder


  • Function: Defines the network path to the shared resource.
  • Example\\server\sharedfolder


  • Function: The password needed for accessing the resource.
  • Examplenet use Z: \\server\sharedfolder password


  • Function: Allows specifying a different username for the connection.
  • Examplenet use Z: \\server\sharedfolder /user:domain\username


  • Function: Controls if the connection is persistent across reboots.
  • Examples:
    • To make the connection persistent: net use Z: \\server\sharedfolder /persistent:yes
    • To make it temporary: net use Z: \\server\sharedfolder /persistent:no


  • Function: Used to remove an existing network connection.
  • Examples:
    • To delete a specific connection: net use Z: /delete
    • To delete all mapped drives: net use * /delete

Understanding these switches can transform how you interact with network resources. For instance, if you need to connect to a shared folder temporarily, using /persistent:no ensures that the connection does not linger after a reboot.

Practical Applications

Understanding how to apply the Net Use command in real-world scenarios can streamline many of your networking tasks. Here are a few examples:

  • Mapping a Temporary Drive:net use * "\\server\sharedfolder" /persistent:no This command maps the “sharedfolder” on “server” to the next available drive letter, but only temporarily.
  • Mapping a Permanent Drive:net use Z: \\server\sharedfolder /user:domain\username /persistent:yes This command maps the “sharedfolder” on “server” to drive Z: permanently. You can access it every time you log in.
  • Disconnecting a Drive:net use Z: /delete This command removes the mapped drive Z:.

Using Net Use Command for Network Connections

The Net Use command in Windows terminal is a powerful tool for managing network connections. It allows you to map network drives, connect to shared folders, and disconnect network connections effortlessly.

Mapping Network Drives

With the Net Use command, you can easily map a network drive to a local drive letter. This enables quick access to shared folders and resources on the network. For example, you can use the following command to map a network drive:

net use Z: \\server\sharedfolder

In this command, “Z:” represents the local drive letter, and “\server\sharedfolder” is the path to the shared folder on the network. Once mapped, you can access the shared files and folders as if they were on your local drive.

Connecting to a Shared Folder

The Net Use command allows you to connect to a shared folder on a network, providing seamless access to resources shared by other users or servers. You can use the command in the following format to connect to a shared folder:

net use \\server\sharedfolder /user:username password

Replace “\server\sharedfolder” with the actual path of the shared folder, “username” with your username, and “password” with your password. This command establishes a connection to the shared folder, allowing you to access its contents from your local system.

Disconnecting Network Connections

When you no longer need a network connection, the Net Use command makes it easy to disconnect. Simply use the following command:

net use Z: /delete

Replace “Z:” with the drive letter or the network connection you want to disconnect. This command terminates the connection, freeing up system resources and ensuring network security.

Mastering the Net Use command empowers you to efficiently manage network connections in the Windows terminal, streamlining access to shared resources and enhancing productivity.

Viewing and Deleting Persistent Connections

To view all the persistent connections established on your system, you can use the net use command without any additional parameters. This will display a list of all active connections, including their assigned drive letters and network paths.

If you need to remove a persistent connection, you can use the net use command along with the /DELETE option followed by the drive letter or network path. For example:

net use Z: /DELETE

Replace Z: with the corresponding drive letter or specify the network path to delete the established connection.

By mastering the management of persistent connections in Windows Terminal, you can streamline your access to network resources and optimize your daily workflow. Whether it’s mapping drives for quick access or efficiently managing existing connections, these techniques can empower you to work more effectively within a networked environment.

Advanced Usage of Net Use Command

Using the Net Use command effectively can make network management much easier. Once you grasp the basics, it’s time to explore the advanced features. Here we’ll dive into creating temporary and permanent mapped drives, using specific credentials, and employing smartcard authentication.

Temporary Mapped Drives

Creating temporary mapped drives is useful when you need quick access to a network resource without a long-term commitment. This setup ensures the connection is only available for the current session and is removed after a reboot.


net use * "\\server\my media" /persistent:no

In this example, we’re connecting to the shared folder “my media” on the server “server.” The * indicates that the command should use the next available drive letter. The switch /persistent:no ensures that this drive mapping is temporary and will not persist after a reboot. This is perfect for short-term tasks where you don’t need a permanent connection.

Permanent Mapped Drives

Permanent mapped drives are essential when you need constant access to a network resource. This setup ensures that the drive mapping is available every time you log into your computer.


net use e: \\usrsvr002\smithmark /persistent:yes

In this example, the command maps drive “e:” to the shared folder “smithmark” on the server “usrsvr002.” By using the /persistent:yes switch, we ensure that this drive mapping persists through reboots. This setup is ideal for work environments where access to specific network resources is required daily.

Using Specific Credentials

Sometimes, connecting to a network resource requires specific user credentials. The Net Use command allows you to specify these credentials, ensuring you can access the resource even if your current user account doesn’t have the necessary permissions.


net use e: \\usrsvr002\smithmark Ue345Ii /user:domain\user /persistent:yes

Here, we’re mapping drive “e:” to “smithmark” on “usrsvr002” with the password “Ue345Ii” and user “user” from the “domain.” The /user switch specifies the user credentials, and /persistent:yes ensures the connection is permanent. This is particularly useful in environments with multiple users and varied access levels.

Mapping Drives with Smartcard Authentication

For enhanced security, especially in corporate environments, smartcard authentication can be used. The Net Use command supports this feature, allowing you to authenticate using a smartcard.


net use f: \\server\secured /smartcard

In this example, the drive “f:” is mapped to the shared resource “secured” on the server “server” using smartcard authentication. By including the /smartcard switch, the command utilizes the credentials stored on the smartcard for authentication. This method provides an additional layer of security, ensuring that only authorized users can access sensitive network resources.

By understanding these advanced features, you can maximize the efficiency and security of your network connections using the Net Use command. Whether you’re setting up temporary access for a quick task or establishing permanent, secure connections, these advanced usages ensure you have the right tools for the job.

Listing All Currently Mapped Drives

Navigating the network landscape can be like finding your way through a maze. Keeping track of all your mapped drives ensures you never lose your way. With the Net Use command, listing all currently mapped drives is straightforward and efficient. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned IT professional, this feature is invaluable for managing your network connections.

How to List Mapped Drives

To see all the network drives and devices you have mapped, simply type the following command into Windows Terminal:

net use

This command is like a roster call for your network connections. It lists all the active connections, including the drive letter assigned, the remote network paths, and the status of each connection.

Understanding the Output

After executing the net use command, you’ll receive a detailed display of all your mapped drives. Here’s what to look out for:

  • Drive Letter: Shows the letter assigned to the network drive (e.g., Z:).
  • Remote Path: Displays the network path of the shared resource (e.g., \\server\sharedfolder).
  • Status: Indicates whether the connection is active or disconnected.

Example Output

Here’s an example of what your output might look like:

Status       Local     Remote                    Network
OK           Z:        \\server\sharedfolder     Microsoft Windows Network
OK           Y:        \\office\documents        Microsoft Windows Network
Disconnected X:        \\backup\storage          Microsoft Windows Network
The command completed successfully.

In this example:

  • Z: is a mapped drive to \\server\sharedfolder and currently active.
  • Y: maps to \\office\documents and is active.
  • X: is mapped to \\backup\storage but is currently disconnected.

Benefits of Listing Mapped Drives

Knowing how to list all your mapped drives has several advantages:

  • Quick Overview: Instantly see all your connections and their statuses.
  • Troubleshooting: Identify disconnected drives that might be causing issues.
  • Management: Easily manage and keep track of network resources.

Additional Commands

For more detailed information, you might want to explore additional commands:

  • Detailed View: Use net use /? to get more information on each mapped drive.
  • Remove a Drive: Use net use [driveletter] /delete to remove a specific mapped drive.

Listing all currently mapped drives with the Net Use command is a simple yet powerful way to manage your network resources. It provides a clear snapshot of your network landscape, ensuring you always know what’s connected and what’s not. Stay organized and in control by regularly checking your mapped drives.

Troubleshooting Net Use Command

Encountering issues with the Net Use command is not uncommon, but understanding the common error messages and how to resolve connection issues can help troubleshoot effectively.

Common Error Messages

When using the Net Use command, you might come across various error messages such as “System error 67 has occurred” or “System error 85 has occurred.” These messages can often indicate issues with mapping network drives or accessing shared resources. Understanding the underlying causes of these errors is crucial for effective troubleshooting.

Resolving Connection Issues

To resolve connection issues with the Net Use command, start by checking the network connectivity and ensuring that the appropriate permissions are in place for the shared resources. Additionally, validating the syntax of the command and verifying the correct usage of parameters can help identify and rectify any errors. Furthermore, reviewing the event logs for detailed error information and ensuring that the network resources are accessible can aid in resolving connection issues effectively.

By addressing these common error messages and connection issues, users can navigate through troubleshooting the Net Use command more effectively, minimizing disruptions and optimizing network resource access.

Operating System Variations

Understanding how the Net Use command functions across different Windows versions can ensure you use it effectively, no matter which OS you’re working with. Each version of Windows has its own quirks and nuances that can affect how the Net Use command operates.

Windows XP and Vista

Windows XP and Vista both support the Net Use command, but there are some specific variations worth noting.

  • Limited Switch Support: These older versions may lack some of the more advanced switches available in later Windows versions. For example, /savecred isn’t supported, meaning you’ll have to enter your credentials each time.
  • User Interface Constraints: The Command Prompt in these versions may not have the same level of functionality as in newer Windows versions. This could potentially limit your ability to script with Net Use effectively.
  • Networking Protocols: Windows XP and Vista primarily use SMB1, which is less secure compared to newer SMB versions available in later OS releases.

Despite these limitations, the core functionality of mapping network drives and accessing shared resources remains effective in these older systems.

Windows 7 and 8

Windows 7 and Windows 8 bring several improvements to the Net Use command, making it more versatile and easier to use.

  • Enhanced Security: Both Windows 7 and 8 support SMB2, offering better security and performance compared to SMB1 in XP and Vista.
  • Improved Switches: These versions include additional switches like /savecred, allowing users to store credentials for future connections. This is particularly useful in business environments where multiple network resources are accessed regularly.
  • Better Scripting: The Command Prompt and PowerShell in Windows 7 and 8 are more robust, allowing for more complex scripts and automated tasks using the Net Use command.

These enhancements make managing network resources more efficient and secure, streamlining tasks for both home and business users.

Windows 10 and 11

Windows 10 and 11 offer the most advanced support for the Net Use command, bringing new features and greater flexibility.

  • SMB3 Support: These versions support SMB3, which provides enhanced security features like encryption and improved performance.
  • Graphical Integration: While the Net Use command is primarily used in the terminal, Windows 10 and 11 also offer better integration with graphical user interfaces. This means you can manage network drives through the file explorer as well.
  • Advanced Scripting Capabilities: With the inclusion of PowerShell and a more powerful Command Prompt, scripting with Net Use has never been easier. This enables automated network management tasks, saving time and reducing errors.
  • Persistent Connections: The /persistent:yes switch is more reliable in maintaining connections across reboots, ensuring your mapped drives remain accessible without needing to re-enter credentials.

For users seeking the highest level of functionality and security, Windows 10 and 11 provide a superior environment for using the Net Use command effectively.


In conclusion, the Net use command in Windows terminal is a powerful tool for connecting to and managing network resources. By using this command, users can easily map network drives, connect to shared folders, and disconnect from network resources when needed. Understanding how to use the Net use command can greatly improve efficiency and productivity for Windows users. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, mastering this command is a valuable skill that can streamline your workflow and enhance your overall computing experience. So, start exploring the capabilities of the Net use command and unlock its potential to simplify your network operations.